Sunday, November 4, 2012

Crystals & Minerals

Crystals In the crystal lab, we grew two types of crystals.We added 100 ml of water in each beaker. Than we added food color to know which one is what.Later we added minerals such as sucrose and halite.We added it until it started to accumulate and didn't dissolve. The purpose of the lab was to get the crystals solidified.Finally we put the beaker next to the window and waited for it to cool down. Mineral Properties Streak: Is the color of a mineral with powder. Hardness: How hard is the mineral. Cleavage: It breaks evenly. Fracture: It breaks unevenly. Composition: What is inside the mineral. Other Properties:shape, magnetic, and greasy. Mineral Identification Dolomite
-Hardness 3.5 -Color variable -Luster nonmetalic -Cleavage -Use building stones -Composition CaMg(CO3)2 Fluorite
-Hardness 4 -Color variable -Luster non-metalic -Cleavage -Use hydrofluoric acid -Composition CaF2